
2012年4月30日 星期一


Opgal thermal imagine camera, EyeSec

2012年1月10日 星期二

防火門 無線控制裝置

防火門依照法規規定,分為常開式(auto closing)及常閉式(self closing)兩種;而在走廊通道,為利常時通行,慣常採用常開式 (auto closing)防火門,而安全梯及特別安全梯之安全門,一般採用常閉式防火門為多。然為圖方便,或上下樓層同屬同一公司,則走廊通道或安全梯之防火門則有被刻意阻擋之可能,造成火災時,區劃不完整,煙、火到處流竄之情況發生。如何讓安全門(防火門)平時開啟,遇有火警或其他緊急事故時,連動關閉,達到實質防火功能。不僅為管理者所期盼,更為業界之實質需求。

英國廠商所開發Freedor,某種程度可以滿足以上需求,安裝方便,利用聲控原理,只要火警警報聲超過65dBA,時間持續14秒,該裝置就會被喚醒作動,而將防火門關上。該裝置已通過BS 7273-4、BS EN 1154、1155等相關標準認證。


2012年1月2日 星期一


新一代智慧建築技術在提升建築防火安全上具有無窮潛力。多功能感測器(例如氣體偵測器,感測器系統和視覺模擬電腦系統)和無線感測器,不僅減少在感測器建置的成本,同時也減少誤報率,加快反應時間並降低火災相關的損失。透過網路的實時(Real time)控制技術,使設備系統和消防安全的監督,可延伸至建築物外面,這將提高效率和降低建築物管理操作成本,更有效區分「火災」和「非火災」的威脅,增加財產和生命保護。透過偵測和報警等防火系統與其他建築系統的整合,更能有效提升建築物的防火安全。




2009年7月10日 星期五


2009年7月9日 星期四


eICS是一個電子化的NFPA事件指揮系統(Incident Command System),旨在幫助現場指揮官整合現場和評估情況,藉以提高事件處理效率,並能了解更多信息,和較高的確定性。將事故現場透過現場指揮官的隨身電腦,變成軟體操作介面,執行團隊建立了一個Flash的GUI原型,顯示所需的重要信息提供現場指揮參考,如資源分配,人員在建築平面圖中的位置,甚至消防隊員的生命數據,包括:空氣供應量及心跳是否加速等。Java圖形界面顯示人員的位置,並允許現場指揮和消防隊員之間的溝通,比如現場指揮官只要按一下這個房間,即可告訴工作人員到該房間,而這些數據將透過SmokeNet 傳送。它也會提醒現場指揮官當PASS系統感測不到人員的移動,或任何生命現象時。該系統將達到有效的信息管理,透過簡單的YES/NO檢查,並選擇命令如“撤離” ,使之成為一項具有挑戰複雜環境的重要工具。


2009年7月7日 星期二

消防救災即時資訊系統--Fire eye


如果進入火場搶救的消防人員,能夠配備一套導航系統,隨時告知你所在的樓層、位置,起火點,受困人員位置,建築物的平面圖,對於救災任務來講,將是一大福音,柏克萊大學fire department開發出一套可以在火災現場中導航的設備,根據消防隊員實際試驗結果,雖然尚有許多部分需要改進,如,聲音的效果,畫面的zoom in &out,是否能夠增加告知溫度的探測等,然而,值得進一步期待它的功效。

Joel Wilson's research focus is to design and test head-mounted displays (HMDs) for firefighters. He has created two HMD prototypes, called FireEyes, which are mounted inside a firefighter's facemask in order to relay performance and safety enhancing information in a hands free format. One FireEye is a see-through type in which the real environment can be seen behind the image, while the other is an occluded design. The designs are based on data from user needs studies with the Chicago and Berkeley FireDepartments. Therefore, the design goals include being rugged, inexpensive relative to most HMDs, minimally distracting, and easy to operate. The FireEye shows an interactive floor plan map with current locations of the user, their Buddy (following the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) “Buddy System”), other company members, areas where smoke alarms have activated, and remaining air supply. The GUI is kept simple to prevent the FireEye from becoming an attention cost. The FireEye will also act via SmokeNet as a communication means for frequent yes/no checkups with the IC, and automatically alert the user of emergencies like “low air” and “evacuate” using tactile and visual communication. This will mitigate information overload from walkie-talkies and liberate overtaxed bandwidth. Continuously updated information comes from SmokeNet’s RF enabled location, temperature, and smoke sensors. This information will be evaluated by a computer on the firefighter, updating the GUI with a new map view and any messages. These features are intended to give firefighters more information for decision-making, improved situational awareness, and a higher degree of safety.
Future research will include improving the firefighter's and Incident Commander's GUI, downsizing the FireEye's wearable computer, implementing button activated or voice control of the GUI, and conducting user experiments to determine whether the FireEye and the overall FIRE system is helpful to firefighters. The experiments will focus on how the FireEye affects navigation in challenging unknown environments, such as in a large building with dark, smoke-filled hallways, and firefighting tasks such as locating a man down.

2009年7月3日 星期五

提供即時遠端建築資訊以確保公共安全 Real-time Remote Building Information for Public Safety

iBR - intelligent Building Response






The “intelligent Building Response” (iBR) project at NIST BFRL is about getting building sensor information out of a building and presenting it in real-time in useful ways to fire, police and others as they respond to a building emergency. We are also looking at how the building infrastructure can support first responder communications. The intelligent building aids building incident response by sharing status of fire, security and control systems in the building, as well as by connecting responders to outside command.
Today’s modern buildings function with multiple control systems programmed to run different building systems. Network communications carry commands from controllers to actuators and switches, and a host of sensors feed data back to controllers. Yet, for the most part, all this information is bottled up in the building even while it could provide tremendous situational awareness to those outside the building, telling them where a fire is, where smoke is, where occupants are, which devices are operating, which lights are on, or which doors are open. Why should first responders need to do a size up at the scene in order to find out what is happening inside? Real time information regarding building systems should be available while they are enroute to the scene. Why can’t a dispatcher see into the building from the start of an incident, even before vehicles are dispatched?
In simple terms, the best response is not only fast, it’s informed. In the future, emergency responders could receive a wealth of information while they’re en route and during the incident. Lacking now is a standard method of moving real-time building data out of the building into the hands of emergency responders. And iBR is focused on developing standards to move the data out.
